Congrats Brad & Sarah! They won a free 20×30 inch canvas of their choice ( a $100 value), plus bragging rights for getting the most votes.

BSP - Behind The Scenes
I know I say this every year, yet it’s still the truth. I could not have made it through this year without the help of every one of these people. My goodness my friends are crazy reliable and talented. In no particular order shout out to Luke, Shawn, Asher, Isaiah, Austin, Tony, Carlo, Lauren, Brock, Chris and Brandon.
- 8. Brad and Sarah (48%, 3,219 Votes)
- 14. Kevin and Maddie (24%, 1,623 Votes)
- 17. Zak and Katie (17%, 1,136 Votes)
- 7. Tom and Lauren (2%, 112 Votes)
- 12. Josh and Evee (1%, 85 Votes)
- 2. Luis and Emma (1%, 69 Votes)
- 15. Jake and Mark (1%, 41 Votes)
- 10. Eric and Kelsey (1%, 39 Votes)
- 5. Dele and Colleen (0%, 33 Votes)
- 1. Chad and Kim (0%, 30 Votes)
- 22. Riley and Caitlyn (0%, 30 Votes)
- 3. Cooper and Kate (0%, 29 Votes)
- 6. Tony and Ariel (0%, 29 Votes)
- 19. Nick and Lauren (0%, 28 Votes)
- 13. Nick and Erin (0%, 27 Votes)
- 4. Mark and Miranda (0%, 27 Votes)
- 16. Terry and Laura (0%, 27 Votes)
- 21. Dom and Megan (0%, 27 Votes)
- 9. Joe and Jenny (0%, 26 Votes)
- 18. Joe and Chrissy (0%, 26 Votes)
- 20. Matt and Katie (0%, 26 Votes)
- 11. Rob and Gayla (0%, 13 Votes)
Total Voters: 6,602

From the Blog:
This voting blog and my whole website were created by my brother Shawn Slawson of his company Camo and Sky. You should totally check out his website and hire him for yours!